Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Heart was Broken

(This poem was taken from the net….it really speaks to me…)

Not long ago, my relationship with the Lord was as awesome as it could be.
I trusted in Him, and I told Him a number of time that "He" can trust "me".

My time in prayer with the Lord was something that I never thought I’d experience.
It was personal and intimate, and most certainly, I felt His presence.

Then there came a time that my world came tumbling down.
When this happened, my faith decreased, and my face froze in a frown.

The love that God told me I would have, I got.
But then months later, it was taken away from me, and I was so distraught.

I couldn’t even bear to talk about what happened…it hurt way too bad.
Even when people tried to encourage me in the Lord, in my heart I was still just as sad.

I got wondering if God really did speak to me like I believed He did.
If God gave me that love, why would it be taken away? (this thought, I wanted to rid).

I had so many questions for God that I wanted answered, but I couldn’t pray during that time.
The mountain kept getting bigger and bigger, way to steep for me to climb.

I was heartbroken, but I didn’t think about how I must have broken God’s heart.
I stopped trusting, and that’s when my closeness with God started to depart.

I hurt Him big time when He saw that he couldn’t trust me as I told Him He could.
When I fell off the mountain top I almost lost my faith, and I didn’t call out to Him as I should.

Well, as time went on, I finally got back where I could think about Him.
I still have a long way to go, but my spiritual eyes are no longer dim.

Yes, the questions are still there, but I made my mind up to keep my promise I made to God.
I will trust Him, and know that He will take care of me coz He’s no fraud.

a reason why things turned out the way they did, and I will try not to
question the why’s. As for Satan telling me God will (and never did)
speak to me, I will not listen to his lies.
Many of my friends have been saying that God has something better in store for me (which i didn’t believe at that time).

I see now that this must be true, and it’s helping me to know that this
mountain, I can climb. I pray that I will not loose trust in God again,
and that I can prove that "He" can trust me.

I will do just that, and soon the trust on both sides, God will see.
If you have questions as to why God let certain things happen to you, don’t let it ruin your relationship with Him.

There’s a reason for our trials, and we need to have to grasp on the end of a limb.
Whatever the situation, give God praise for it, and this will help you through hard times.

The bible tells us to give God praise for "all" things (although its hard to do sometimes).

broken but fixed Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, March 5, 2009

When God carries you

I was so exhausted, so cried out to my only refuge and strength
And the most amazing thing that I felt that God was carrying me...

Yes, it is true that when you give up everything, surrender everything to
God, confess everything to Him, He is more than just willing to help you.
I was so depressed at that time, its just like my heart was breaking, but God came
and carried me in His arms of love. ...I am so amazed that we have a God who
can carry all our burdens and worries and the the most amazing there is
that He will give us rest if we come to Him. I know that God is always there to..
embrace me... love me...heal me...renew me... relieve me..

Now.... I am stronger..jesus loves me Pictures, Images and Photos

Though I fail Him.. He still loves me

i am just an ordinary man,
who has a small faith in a big God.
who is just clinging ti His promises
and won't let go of it
He is my only one source of refuge and strength

this past week we had our case presentation.
before our case presentation
we experienced sleepless nights and eye bags
but there is one thing that i realized
that made my Fathers' heart cry
it was when I forget to pray
day and night, meditate on His word,
failed to recognize His blessings.
My spiritual life that time was about
to get dry. I got easily irritated, frustrated, and
easily fall into temptation. I cannot understand
myself that time.

When all our hardworks was finish...

One morning, when i woke up..
I realized that without God everything
is a mess. i bilieve that God
is more thatn enough for us.
though I fail Him.. he still loves me..
this keep me motivated to finish the race..
It just proves that God is only my everything.


Last Tuesday march 3 kay nag adto
mi ila peter kay mag finalize sa among
Case study..
whew.. gkan pagud mi school ato
pero cge lang kay pag ka ugmaan ato kay
case presentation naman namo
ingon ko sa akong sarili na muuli daton..
pero.. niabot nalang ug alas dose.. wala ghpon..
may gani naka kaon nami ato..
salamat sa nutri.. hehe..nag luto2x man mi ato before..
hehe...hantod niabot nalang als dos..
so wala nalang mi nadayon ato ug uli..
alas 4 nalang daw..
so.. niabot na ang alas 4..
wala pa ko tulog...
nya, nanguli nami ato..
pag abot nako sa balay kay natulog ko..mga 45 min lang.. hehe..
nya.. naligo... kaon.. adto skul..
nya.. case presentation na namo...yeyeyeyey!
mau to..

Counting on God

cross Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm in a fight not physical
and, I'm in a war
but not in this world
You are the light that's
beautiful and I want more
I want all that's Yours

Joy unspeakable
that won't go away
and just enough
strength to live
for today
so I never have to worry
what tomorrow
will bring 'cause my faith is
on solid rock
I'm counting on God

my prayer

she is graceful
she is beautiful
if you are willing
give me a favor
touch her heart
to be receptive to all.

teach me
how to say a word about love
love that comes from you, O God
and not comes from my own tongue
a love that is pure and wholeheartedly
make me part of her life.

all this things are meaningless
if i will trust myself
so have your way God, have your way now
make her like me, make her love me.

maybe this is not the time that
i will show to her my feelings
and hear my heart beats.

Lord, this my prayer
hear it, have ears on it
protect her all the days of her life
i commit to you all of this
now you have gave me the signs and
i will wait for that perfect time.

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God created us in His own image

THEN GOD CREATED MAN Pictures, Images and Photos

God created everything for 6 days, but what makes
us different from the other He created? He made
everything out of His Word in the first five days
but God created is us on th sixth day thoroughly,
He did not just created us out from His Word but
he molded us from the dust and breath through
His nostrils. See, how is it amazing to know that we
are God's masterpiece and it is so great to know that
He made us in His own image and likeness but God
created us for a purpose and that is to be the steward
of all the things He created and above all to worship Him alone.